Register Your Call 

If you are sensing that preparing for ordained ministry or lay pastoring may be the appropriate response to your calling as you understand it at this time, one of your first steps is to discuss this with your pastor. He or she may suggest you are ready to take the next steps on your journey. This involves sharing your call with 3 entities:

Your local church board (and your pastor) are the ones you work with to apply for a Local Minister's License (531-531.7) or entering a Lay Pastor’s Certificate program (503.2-503.3). On your district, you will also want to register your call with your District Board of Ministry. Registering your call as a local minister or lay minister creates a connection with your District and provides your District Board of Ministry with information it needs to serve you and guide you in your educational and credentialing process.

Thank you for the privilege of serving you. We look forward to getting better acquainted with you. You have GREAT days ahead in ministry.