USA/Canada Region’s CoRe Network

Welcome to the CoRe Network of the USA/Canada Region. We want to thank you in advance for your participation in our CoRe (Cycle of Resurgence) Network for our Boards of Ministry! Each of our 78 districts are located in one of the following 9 fields across the USA/Canada Region; Canada, Central USA, East Central USA, Eastern USA, North Central USA, Northwest USA, South Central USA, Southeast USA and Southwest USA.

This is the vision of the USA/Canada Region’s CoRe Network. A CoRe Champion on every district and in every local church. Every district becoming a CoRe District. Every church becoming a CoRe Church. As the new Course of Study emerges, every district developing a CoRe Board of Ministry.

We believe when every district and every local church operates in unity, God will bless us with life transformations in abundance. “How good it is when brothers (and sisters) come together in unity…it is like the oil that flows over Aaron’s beard…there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore” (Psalm 133:1-3). Just like the Apostle Paul’s prayer and vision for the Philippian church, we envision a church that has these four characteristics: ”if you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, make my joy complete by 1) being likeminded, 2) have the same love, 3) be one in spirit and 4) one in purpose” (Philippians 2:1-2).

If you are interested in becoming a USA/Canada CoRe Champion, we would love to connect with you. (To sign up and receive more information, go to CoRe Feedback). There is a place for you on our CoRe Network team. We encourage you to browse the different pages and links of and especially visit our CoRe Vision page. Welcome to the Network!