For Ministerial Preparation (551.1 Education and the Formation of the minister

Education for service is intended to assist the minister in “being,” “knowing,” and “doing.”

“Being” involves:

1.  Loving God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength and neighbor as oneself as expressed in Christian holiness

2.  Enjoying an abiding sense of God’s call

3.  Relating well to the community of faith

4.  Maintaining integrity and honor

5.  Exhibiting compassion, patience, and perseverance

6.  Demonstrating self-discipline and self-control

7.   Exemplifying humility, gentleness, and sensitivity to others

8.   Portraying passion and courage

9.   Evidencing wisdom, discernment, vision and commitment

“Knowing” involves:

1.  A knowledge of the Holy Scripture and methods of interpretation

2.  An understanding of Christian theology and especially the place of Christian holiness within it

3.  A grasp of the history of the Christian Church and its mission through the centuries

4.  A knowledge of the Wesleyan theological heritage and traditions

5.  A knowledge of the disciplines of the spiritual life

6.  An understanding of the significance, forms, and place of Christian worship in the community of faith

7.  An understanding of Christian personal and social ethics

8.  A knowledge of communication theory and skills, especially preaching, and including teaching and interpersonal skills

9.  An understanding of the dynamics of Christian servant leadership, local church administration, and models of mission and ministry; and the similarities to and distinctions from secular models of leadership andmanagement

10. An awareness of the brokenness of the human condition, both personal and societal

11. An understanding of the dynamics of the human life, groups within the local church and society, including marriage and family

12. A grasp of the span of human history and culture, particularly of the minister’s own context

13. An awareness of cultural trends and influences in contemporary society including religious pluralism

14. A knowledge of the operation of the polity and practice of the Church of the Nazarene

15. An awareness of the legal framework in the society in which the congregation functions

“Doing” involves:

1.  Modeling a godly life and vital piety

2.  Thinking prayerfully about personal, familial, and congregational development

3.  Acting with integrity and honor in all relationships

4.  Responding to others with the love of God

5.  Leading the people of God in worship, mission, and service

6.  Equipping the saints for the work of ministry

7.  Preaching the Word of God with clarity in a culturally appropriate fashion

8.  Teaching by word and example

9.   Evangelizing the lost

10. Articulating clearly the mission of the congregation and the Church

11. Ministering to the brokenness of persons and society

12. Communicating the truth in love

13. Listening with care and discretion

14. Facilitating the ministry of all the people of God at the local level

15. Organizing the local congregation as needed and appropriate

16. Assessing the effectiveness of programs and plans

17. Acquiring skills in information technology and other media essential for ministry and mission

18. Pursuing lifelong learning