EDUCATION Program Options from Your Board of Ministry 

The programs of education from your Board of Ministry are designed to prepare you to lead a healthy church. We work with several Educational Partners to assist you in this process. As you design the educational path that best fits you, we encourage you to work with 1) your District Superintendent, 2) your District Board of Ministry leader, 3) Educational Partners such as District Schools of Ministry and 4) Educational Institutions. You should become aware of the ability statements that guide our educational process in the Nazarene Course of Study. You should also understand the features of our Course of Study that includes academic content, spiritual formation and ministry skills. All of this is to help create a learning environment where you can thrive.

The CoRe Network is a partner to every developing Nazarene minister, designed for students who know they are called to plant or lead a healthy church through the cycle of resurgence. Welcome to your journey to fuel the Nazarene movement in the 21st century! We are committed to serve you with excellence in everything we do. If we can do this better in any way, please let us know.